Join my squad… my holiday squad that is!…(Haha sorry the t-shirt was so catchy!) I am gearing up and in full holiday mode this week…wrapping presents, buying last minute gifts, and gathering up supplies for our family treats for Christmas this weekend!! (FYI: I am so excited to show y’all the cute treats that we make!) AHH! I am so excited that Christmas is almost here! Who’s ready???


Seriously it is the best time of the year… and each year it seems to get better and better! I am so excited to see my whole family this weekend, eat some delicious food, and make new holiday memories! &&& what I am even more excited about is sharing this weekend’s fun with you ALL!! #BLOGMAS2016


So back to the outfit that has inspired Blogmas #4! This one was super fun to create and put together! You could say that it definitely reflects my cheerful & holiday mood this week! But it wouldn’t have been possible without these burgundy boots! They made the outfit!! They were suppose to be a Christmas gift… oops spoiler… I just couldn’t wait! They were way too cute to wait on Santa!

I was out shopping for some Christmas goodies when I ran across this really cute graphic t-shirt at H&M! The wheels in my head began to turn, and the outfit ideas came pouring out! I knew they would match my burgundy boots perfectly & that I could create an overall fun outfit! So TA-DA! Who doesn’t love a graphic tee? They are so versatile! You can easily keep one super casual or jazz it up. This time I decided to jazz it up by pairing it with this fun flare white skirt and my new pair of burgundy suede boots. Because I just love chokers and my double pom-pom beanie so much, I decided it was a must to add those to complete the look!


I hope you all are gearing up and getting ready for the BIG holiday weekend and are having fun with your holiday style! Remember this is a time to be thankful and appreciate the little moments! That’s what makes this season truly special!



graphic t-shirt: H&M 

Similar: Forever21

Skirt: Express 

Double Pom-Pom Beanie: H&M

Burgundy Suede Boots: HeartSwoon

Similar: AMI Clubwear
