Month: December 2016


And we are almost there folks! Only 3 more days until CHRISTMAS! Yippee!! I am staying in all day to make some sweet goodies for the holiday weekend! I am seriously so excited to show off my creative baking skills! 🙂 I think ya’ll are going to be pretty impressed! But before I do I […] Read more…

Gift Idea for the Kiddos

Now-a-days kids have so much to choose from!! I think they come out with a new toy EVERYDAY & its like a toy-land in every store! You would think with the wide variety of options that Christmas shopping for the kids would be pretty simple…and maybe it is for you… but if the kids in […] Read more…

Holiday Babe

Join my squad… my holiday squad that is!…(Haha sorry the t-shirt was so catchy!) I am gearing up and in full holiday mode this week…wrapping presents, buying last minute gifts, and gathering up supplies for our family treats for Christmas this weekend!! (FYI: I am so excited to show y’all the cute treats that we […] Read more…

Holiday Blues

Don’t let the title fool you! I am definitely not sad this holiday season, especially because the holidays are the perfect excuse to get all dressed up! And I love to do that!! Applying the perfect lip color, slipping on those beautiful heels you purchased, putting on that outfit that you have been waiting to […] Read more…

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